A SmokeStik Electronic Cigarette is a advocate accessory that resembles a acceptable cigarette and absolutely recreates the smoker experience, including "a smoke like vapor", after tobacco, tar, and over 400+ chemicals that are begin to account blight in a acceptable cigarette.
SmokeStik Electronic Cigarettes are one another to acceptable cigarette smoking, that for the aboriginal time, allows the smoker to go through all the motions. SmokeStiks do not accept carbon monoxide, tar, or any added accepted cancer-causing chemicals begin in acceptable cigarettes, cigars, or smoke. A SmokeStik Electronic Cigarette is about litter-less in that it is chargeless of ashes and stubs.
Unlike acceptable cigarettes, the SmokeStik has no accessible flame, and is air-conditioned to the touch, abundantly abbreviation abeyant actual injury, and acreage damage.
What you are "smoking" is a brume or vapor. This breath is created as aqueous nicotine, propylene glycol, and aliment brand flavorings, are vaporized by a tiny basic alleged the atomizer.
SmokeStiks are the ONLY e-cigarette packaged and accumulated in the USA with affection control, shipping, chump account and administration additionally amid in America!