First Access Club Duke nukem forever release date 3d download demo

Written By Unknown on Monday, January 24, 2011 | Monday, January 24, 2011

Duke Nukem has a release date and a replacement trailer to travel in conjunction with it. Blue's News additionally has information on the way to get your hands on the playable demo when it comes out. The embedded video below is NSF for language and pixilated boobies. because of everybody that sent this one in.

Here's the official announcement of the just revealed plan to release Duke Nukem Forever on May 3, 2011 in North America, and May 6, 2011 in Europe. This includes word on how to qualify for the demo: "Players looking to get access to the Duke Nukem Forever playable demo before it is publicly released can join the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club. A membership certificate for the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club is included within the Borderlands™ Game of the Year edition.