Grocery printable online coupons suzy pros & cons

Written By Unknown on Friday, January 7, 2011 | Friday, January 07, 2011

I don't commonly watch television, it usually watches me. So back I saw the bartering for the website alleged Coupon Suzy, I thought, "A website for coupons? I bet you'll accept to pay to accompany it or accord them all affectionate of claimed information." I abandoned it no amount how abounding times I saw it shown. One night, I assuredly gave in and absitively to booty a look. It couldn't hurt, right? If they ask for money or information, I can artlessly bang the little "x" in the bend of the awning and that awful little folio will be gone.

I first tried to access the page on my Blackberry, but since the page is made for desktops/laptops only, I was unable to view anything other than a description of what the website was about. I jumped on my laptop, accessed the page, and was fairly surprised. I thought there would be worthless coupons of products no one ever uses/eats or products I cannot get in my area. Boy was I pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong. I surfed the entire listing of coupons, even printing a few, and, now, here I am, writing a hub about my experience.

Everyone talks about the status of the economy, and I apologize if you're tired of hearing about it, but you're going to hear about it again. I have to blame my fairly poor status due to the downed economy. Finding a job is hard, especially when there are 100 other people fighting for the same position - some of those people with more education, more experience, and more credential. Although it's good for the employer, it's not-so-good for someone like me. Since money is tight right now, I'm looking for any and every possible way to save money where ever I can - even if it means searching through the newspaper and magazines for coupons to clip. And although having a website that offers even more coupons is definitely a huge help, like everything else in life, it does have it's pros and cons.