Chicago current weather forecast blizzard 2011

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 | Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Chicago blizzard 2011
To everybody who comes to this blog for ball account and annotation - I action an aboriginal apology. Some acclimate posts are on the way.

Chicago is experiencing a once-or-twice in a lifetime acclimate event, with up to two anxiety of snow predicted to abatement on the burghal over the abutting 24 hours. I aloof spent the aftermost 20 account walking about the Loop - it acquainted like sandpaper was actuality aching beyond my face.

WGN-TV is going to have constant weather updates over the next 24-plus hours. CLTV will be breaking in with their usual "Weather on the 1's," along with hours of special coverage. You can follow all of the Chicago Tribune's coverage at the Chicago Weather Center.

I'll be staying downtown tonight and taking plenty of photos and video to post here on the blog, along with updating my Facebook and Twitter pages. In the below photo gallery, you'll see my favorite photos I've spotted online - some from the Tribune, others from WGN, and some I shot myself.

Be safe and try to enjoy the weather - as hard as that may be.